Confidence Catalyst Coaching

About sania

Unlock Your Inner Confidence

Confidence Catalyst


A deep dive customised 1: 1 Private online coaching to

  1. Unlock your boundless potential
  2. Express your authentic self
  3. Lead with confidence
  4. Cultivate a strong sense of self belief to face professional challenges with resilience
  5. Career Fulfillment: Experience greater sense of fulfillment in your current role or a successful transition to a more fulfilling career path

My program is perfect for you if you

  • Aspire to cultivate unwavering confidence to lead.
  • Are you eager to break free from self-doubt and express your authentic self?
  • Feel stagnant in your current role and yearn for more meaning and fulfillment.
  • Know you are meant for so much more and need clarity on the next steps to express your full potential.
  • Want to develop emotional wisdom to adeptly navigate workplace relationships and effectively manage pressures.
  • Seek to create harmonious work-life integration, manage stress, and enhance overall well-being.
  • Are you open and willing to commit to your journey of becoming unstoppable.

Let's transform your life?

Imagine the version of you who has rediscovered her innate confidence and now

  • Experiences profound fulfillment and embraces a clear sense of purpose.
  • She remains calm and poised in the face of challenges, illuminating the settings with her innate confidence. 
  • Embraces her authentic self unapologetically, expressing her unique personality, values and perspectives.
  • Makes empowered and strategic decisions, trusting her judgement.
  • Is free from doubt and the constraints of playing small to lead with unwavering empowerment, inspiring those around her. She fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages others to reach their full potential.

Unleash the extraordinary within you and light the path for others. Coaching is your key to unmasking this brilliance. To see if this is right fit for you, I invite you to book a 15 minute complimentary consult with me now by clicking on the link below.

How The Coaching Program Works

I understand your struggles—I’ve been there myself. My program isn’t solely about professional success; it’s about reclaiming your innate power and establishing a deep, meaningful connection to your true Self, which leads to professional and personal contentment.  I tailor a holistic, customised program based on Jungian methods and Eastern philosophy wisdoms that is specific to your needs.

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Make the unconscious conscious

I'll be there with you every single step of the way to help you journey beyond the surface beliefs and stories, deep diving into the unconscious aspects of your psyche to determine the root cause of what has kept you in your current status quo and reclaim your power through shadow work.
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Reconnect and Create

Using in-depth visualizations, dreams, and active imaginations, you will be able to reconnect with your authentic self and tap into your boundless potential to then show up confidently without having to manufacture confidence and consciously create and thrive in your profession and, thus, in your life in general.

Anna Freud

“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time.”


Whose Inspirations You Love

3 Month Awakening Package

Confidence Breakthrough for Career Goals

Book Your Free Consultation Today!


6 x 45-minute private 1-1 online video coaching sessions (1 x fortnightly).


12 x email support (1 x week) to support you with your queries and any challenges you may experience.


Methods to help you put a stop to old, repetitive patterns.


– Customised visualisations/meditations

6 month Transformation Package

Confidence Transformation for Lasting Success

Book Your Free Consultation Today!


12 x 45-minute private 1-1 online video coaching sessions (1 x fortnightly).


24 x email support (1 x week) to support you with your queries and any challenges you may experience.


Methods to help you put a stop to old, repetitive patterns.


– Customised visualisations/meditations
“...What sets Sania apart from other coaches is the way of being she brings – centeredness and calm, professionalism and support and most importantly the experience of a shift within. Through that unique coaching, I am able to experience myself in a different way – a new space opens within me and I tap into my inner power and creativity! When you are ready to transform your life, Sania is the coach to guide you!”

Its a choice of quality for people with special needs

“Sania’s coaching is deep and goes right to the heart of the matter. She has gotten me out of upset and into clarity every time I work with her.”
Julie Turner

If you’re ready to step into your innate confidence and create the success in your business and career that you desire, don’t wait! Book a 15 minute complimentary session with me today.

Your new life starts now.

Maya Angelou

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” 

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Unstoppable Confidence 10 min Ritual

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