About Sania

About sania

Unlock Your Inner Confidence

Welcome, I'm Sania


Welcome to a new era of vibrant confidence and unstoppable success!

My work goes deep, into the most hidden layers of your psyche, to help you peel back the mystery and connect to your true self. This is how the road to confidence is paved—by developing a stronger relationship to Self. 

My coaching is a combination of my knowledge and experiences and your needs. Together, we venture into your internal world to acknowledge the roots that form your experiences in the physical world. 

From there, we work our way inside out to help you become conscious of the unconscious barriers that limit you from expressing your empowered true self and experiencing career fulfilment.

As a Certified Jungian Confidence Coach and a member of the International Jungian Coaching Association, I bring over four years of coaching experience plus my own experiences guiding professional women worldwide.


I mentor women who are eager and committed to deep transformation in life and career. My programs are rooted in Eastern wisdom traditions and Jungian individuation theory within a coaching framework. 

If you are struggling to balance the demands of a high-pressure job, lacking a vision of what you want in your career or letting self-doubt hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams, download Unstoppable Confidence 10 min Ritual. 

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Unstoppable Confidence 10 min Ritual

Wanna transform your life?


Despite a Masters Degree in Science, I didn’t have a healthy relationship with my own emotions. In fact, I feared any emotion that we as a society perceive as ‘negative’. I use to unknowingly give my power away to people and circumstances. I easily got consumed by my emotions. In academia, exams stressed me out, if I saw a child crying, my heart would break in sorrow. I disliked conflicts and rejections. It didn’t take much for me to get overwhelmed and anxious and I didn’t like to upset anyone.


At work, I pushed myself too hard and I put up more than I should have. I worked long, odd hours and overtime, and stress got the best of me. I’d wake up in the middle of the night with my mind still switched on. I experienced burnout. Mentally, I wasn’t present. This impacted my personal life including, my general well-being and my relationships with others.

That’s when I began to apply Jungian methods which enabled me to stand on my ground, speak my truth and set healthy boundaries in order to have healthy work-life balance, career fulfillment and peace regardless of external circumstances. I want to help you do the same. 
 This type of work isn’t about polishing the surface – it goes deep. Like me, it searches for the root cause. 


Are you ready to…

Transform fear into confidence

Rise above self-imposed limitations

Become unwavering amidst challenging circumstances, transforming adversity into triumph 

Create life and career success

My signature program is tailored to your needs and goals. 

Succeed with sania jalal

Frequently asked questions

How does your coaching work?

My work is based on Jungian concepts and Eastern philosophy, which is in-depth. Throughout my coaching program, we use shadow work and active imagining which uncovers the unconscious aspects of your psyche that you may not be aware of.

This work has a lasting outcome. I take you deeper than the “persona level” (i.e. conscious thoughts, self-concept, or limiting beliefs), to the personal unconscious, shadow aspects such as repressed memories and emotional conditioning that are difficult to access and highly defended by the ego.

One of the key ways my coaching style differs is that I like to listen to what you don’t tell me. I’m good at working out what you initially avoid and when you do get sidetracked, I ensure to bring you back.

During coaching sessions, we work together to identify the aspects holding you back from creating your desired outcome. The sessions incorporate meditation, active imagination, shadow and dream work.

To find out more about my signature program, click here.

What’s the difference between your coaching and a business coach?

A business coach focuses more on the strategy and the actions you must take to succeed, whereas I focus on the deeper parts of the psyche that are unconscious to unlock your innate confidence that is everlasting. I want you to have career success on an inner and outer level.

I help you make the unconscious conscious so you can understand what is holding you back from expressing and connecting to your true self so that you can take action toward success from this state. 

How do you create a comfortable and safe environment?

Private 1:1 sessions and open and transparent communication, which includes sharing my own experiences.

My ultimate goal is to liberate you from your default patterns so you can embrace your true confidence and experience the fulfillment you desire in your career and life.

What’s the best way to find out more?

Book a free consultation with me here. I look forward to meeting you!

How do you handle challenging situations?

I’m with you the entire way by providing support, which includes Zoom sessions, emails and virtual regular check-ins.

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Learn the secrets to Life Success , these people have got the key.

"Sania's coaching program has been a truly enriching one for me. She is very knowledgeable on how to apply the Jungian method so as to help her clients achieve the results they want in their Iives. Sania guided me to go deeper inside myself and to work with my unconscious mind."
"Inturtive, Responsive Caring. What I found most helpful about Sania's ability to see my resistances, recognise my patterns and help me free up my potential. She is a genuinely caring and wonderful person. I would highly recommend Sania as a coach!"


“If everything around you seems dark, look again. You may be the light.”

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